2020 MASA/MOSPRA Spring Conference: Preview, Registration and Lodging
2020 MASA / MOSPRA Spring Conference: Registration Now Open
March 25-27
Lodge of Four Seasons
Lake Ozark, Missouri
Registration for the 2020 MASA/MOSPRA Spring Conference is now open. The 2020 Conference will be packed with great breakout sessions, outstanding keynote talks, and plenty of opportunity to network with colleagues.
Conference Schedule
Wednesday, March 25
- 8:00 - Registration Opens
- 9:00 - 2:00 - *Aspiring Superintendent Workshop - Sponsored by OPAA! Food Management
- (*This session is a separate registration from the conference.)
- 9:30 - 1:30 - **Pre-Conference “Safe and Responsive Schools: Strategies and Communication” with Rick Kaufman, APR (See Rick Kaufman's biography here.)
- (**Participants must register for this session on the conference registration page.)
Wednesday Afternoon Sessions
- 2:00 - 3:15 - Opening General Session
- Keynote Speaker - Dr. Bruce Baker
- 3:30 - 4:30 - Breakout Sessions
- 3:30 - 6:30 - Exhibits open
- Welcome Reception - Exhibit Hall - Sponsored by American Fidelity Assurance Company
- 5:30 - 6:30 - Dialogue With The Commissioner
Wednesday Evening
- 6:30 - MASA Awards Banquet - Sponsored by Tueth Keeney Cooper Mohan & Jackstadt, PC and Horace Mann
- 4:30 -- MOSPRA New Member Reception -- Sponsored by MarketVolt
- 6:30 - MOSPRA Banquet Reception - Sponsored by Intrado/SchoolMessenger Solutions
- 7:30 - MOSPRA Awards Banquet - Sponsored by Blackboard
- 9:00 - MOSPRA Award Recipients Celebration - Sponsored by Peachjar and Blackboard
- 9:00 - MASA Dessert Reception For Honorees - Sponsored by United Health Care
Thursday Morning, March 26
- 8:00 - 11:30 - Registration Opens
- 7:30 - 11:30 - Exhibits Open
- 7:30 - Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by ACI/Boland Architects
- 8:30 - 9:30 - Breakout Sessions
- 9:30 - 10:30 - Time To Visit Exhibit Hall
- 10:30 -11:30 - Breakout Sessions
Thursday Luncheon
- 11:30 - General Session Luncheon - Sponsored by L. J. Hart & Co. and
- EdCounsel LLC School Attorneys
- MOSPRA Administrator of the Year
- Speaker: Sean Covel
Thursday Afternoon
- 2:00 - 3:00 Breakout Sessions
- 3:00 - 3:30 Refreshment Break
- 3:30 - 4:30 Breakout Sessions
Thursday Evening
- 5:30 - President’s Gala Reception - Exhibit Door Prizes Announced
- Sponsors by: Stifel, American Fidelity Assurance Company, and Missouri Propane Education Research Council (MOPERC)
- 8:30 -- MOSPRA Special Thursday Evening Event -- Sponsored by Thoughtexchange
- 7:00 - Fun Activity - Sponsored by American Fidelity Assurance Company and Guin Mundorf, LLC
Friday Morning, March 27
- 8:00 - MOSPRA Breakfast and Special Friday Session - Sponsored by Unicom●ARC & Gabbart Communications
- 8:00 - MASA Breakfast and Business Meeting - MASA Breakfast Sponsored by Mickes O’Toole, LLC
- 9:00 - Legislative and School Finance Issues
Breakout Sessions On Current Topics!
Leadership, Administration & Finance
- Current School Finance Topics (DESE)
- You Can’t Press Unsend: Life Changing Consequences for Social Media Posts
- Visioning a High School for the Future
- A Superintendent’s Budgeting Journey
- Behavior and How We Address it
- Supporting LGBT Administrators, Teachers, and Students in Missouri’s Public Schools
- Employee Wellness Impact
- Propane Buses: Turn fuel $ Into School $
- Leadership Development Partners – Missouri’s Leadership Development (DESE)
- MSIP and ESSA Updates (DESE)
Communications and Public Relations
- Preparing for the Firestorm: November 2020 Elections
- How to Survive a Social Media Fire: The Good, Bad & Ugly
- Your Parents: What are they REALLY thinking?
- Harnessing the Power of Alumni
- Keep Calm and Call the PR Pro
- RepMO Hero: Creating An Effective Employee Recognition Program to Supercharge Your Culture
- Psychology in Design
- Boost Parent Engagement on Multiple Levels through an Award-Winning Event
- Connecting Construction & Community: Impactful Communications During Bond Construction
- PR Gold Mine: Multiple Mini-Sessions
- Proverbs for PR: 20 Things It Took Us Too Long To Learn (Special MOSPRA Friday Breakfast Session)
Innovations ● Enhancing Learning ● Technology ● Mental Health
- Care Days: How to Utilize Mondays On A Four-Day Week to Provide Health and Mental Health Care to Students
- Beyond the Score: Using Student Interviews for Strategic Planning
- Practical Implications of the Four-Day School Week: Superintendents’ Perspectives
- Simplifying the Data Review Team Process
- A Framework for Transitioning to Standards-Based Instruction, Assessment, and Reporting
- Curriculum Review: A Quick Reference Guide for Administrators
- SUBstantive SUBstitute Session (DESE)
- Best Practices in Virtual Course Processes and Policies
- Making the Call for Student Success - Phones Away During the Day
- Place-Based Instruction to Increase Engagement, Achievement, and Attendance
- Moving From Loud to Crowd - Crowdsourcing & Getting Beyond the Loud Voices
- Trauma-Informed Schools, Social Emotional Learning, School Mental Health - WHAT’S UP? (DESE)
Legal Issues
- Legal Drugs in School: The Hi’s and Low’s
- A Practical and Legal Overview of Interviews during Discrimination/Harassment Investigations
- They Posted WHAT???? Dealing with "Questionable" Social Media Posts from Staff and Community
- Data Breaches: Legal Compliance and Risks
- From Bad to Worse: How to Get Out In Front of a PR Nightmare without Getting Sued
- Top Eight Employment Mistakes Your District Is Absolutely (Maybe) Making
- Navigating the Use of Titles for Staff within the Gender Spectrum
Opening General Session
Keynote Speaker:
“School Funding Myths and Realities: Show-Me State Edition”
How well are Missouri schools doing as they work to provide quality education while constantly dealing with funding challenges? What does the research tell us about how and why equitable and adequate financing, and substantial, sustained school finance reforms matter for short and long term student outcomes? Bruce Baker will break these issues down as well as sharing estimates of cost to achieve academic goals (including a look at which states are doing this well and which are floundering). An expert in school finance with a wry sense of humor, Bruce Baker is always a favorite speaker for administrators.
Thursday Luncheon Speaker
“The Word that Shapes Our World”
So here’s the thing; your mind is a computer, pure and simple. And a computer has only one function: to answer questions. The questions you ask your mind result in answers that shape the way you see the world and how you interact in it. When you consider what questions others are asking themselves, you unlock the key to creating deep connections, find opportunities to collaborate on building great things, and gain a powerful tool to re-direct the lives of students and community members who are all but defeated in many aspects of their lives.
The most powerful questions you can ask yourself rely on one single word. It is a word that, more than any other, has shaped the entire modern world... And it is a word you already use each and every day.
Hotel Registration
Reservations @ The Lodge of Four Seasons (We encourage members to register soon as rooms fill quickly.) Should the Lodge be fully booked, please do the following:
1. Ask to be placed on the "wait list." We've found that many rooms open up.
2. Go ahead and book a room at another location. If a room opens at the Lodge, you can cancel the room at the other location. (Be sure to check their cancelations policies.)
3. Other potential locations
- Camden on the Lake: 573-365-5620)
- Port Arrowhead: 573-693-9988)
- Port Randall Resort: 573-365-2081
MASA does not have a contractual relationship with these resorts so we cannot vouch for lodging prices or room quality.
MASA and MOSPRA members may book their hotel room by calling reservations at The Lodge of Four Seasons: 888-265-5500 or by going online:
No login/attendee code is needed.