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Dr. Jeremy Tucker, President of the Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA), announced today that Dr. Mark Penny has been selected as the next Executive Director for the Association.
President Tucker stated, “Dr. Penny is a recognized and respected leader. He possesses the vision, the integrity and the collaborative skills necessary to build capacity in others and move MASA forward as we look to the future."
As Executive Director of MASA, Dr. Penny will head an association of more than 900 school superintendents and central office administrators. Chief among his duties is to carry out the association’s long-range strategic plan, including maintaining a strong membership and financial stability; providing leadership development; and building allies and partnerships to advance public education.
Dr. Penny said, “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as the Executive Director of MASA. I look forward to working with our members and partners to continue advancing the quality of education in Missouri’s public schools. Together, we can build on our successes and address the challenges facing our schools.”
President Tucker noted that the process of selecting a new leader was executed in a manner consistent with membership expectations: "We are grateful to the MASA Executive Committee for their time and dedication in selecting MASA's next leader. The association was fortunate to have a pool of strong candidates apply for the position. The identification of Critical Attributes by the MASA staff, Executive Committee, and Regional Presidents played a crucial role in guiding our selection process, ultimately leading to the decision to appoint Dr. Penny."
Dr. Penny will follow Dr. Doug Hayter as the Executive Director. Hayter, who has led MASA since 2017, announced his retirement in November 2024. He will officially retire June 30, 2025.
Dr. Penny said, “I have had the privilege of working with both previous MASA Executive Directors, Mr. Roger Kurtz and Dr. Doug Hayter. Both have left their mark on this organization. Having served as the MASA President and my time on the Executive Committee, along with the skills honed as a Missouri Superintendent for the past 16 years, I am very excited about the work that lies ahead.”
About Dr. Mark S. Penny:
Dr. Penny most recently retired in June 2024 as the Superintendent of Schools in the Lincoln County R-III (Troy) School District, where he served from 2011-2024. Prior to coming to Troy, Dr. Penny served as the Superintendent of Schools for the Moberly School District (2008-2011) and as the Assistant Superintendent in Moberly (2004-2008). Dr. Penny also served as the Moberly High School Principal (1999-2004).
Dr. Penny holds a Doctorate in Education, a Specialist's Degree, and a Master’s Degree from William Woods University. He completed his undergraduate work at Arkansas State University.
Dr. Penny is a Past President of MASA. He has served as the Chair of the Governing Board for the University of Missouri Partnership for Education Renewal. Dr. Penny has also served as a MASA Coach and Mentor for many Missouri Superintendents. He has served on the Missouri Education Commissioner's Advisory Council and was a MASA Pearce Award Nominee in 2017. Dr. Penny has also served as the Mercy Lincoln County Hospital Chairman of the Board and currently serves on the Community Opportunities Board of Directors. He was named the Troy Area Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year in 2023 and also received the Friend of the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education (MO-CASE) Award in 2023.
Dr. Penny and his wife, Cassandra, currently reside in Troy. They are the parents of three children: Lizzy (28), Grant (24), and Sydney (19). Lizzy attends the Community Opportunities Day Program, Grant is a 2024 Lindenwood University graduate and a Lincoln County R-III Special Education Paraprofessional, and Sydney is a Lindenwood freshman majoring in Elementary Education.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kelly Hinshaw, MASA Director of Leader Development, at 573-638-4825 or khinshaw@mcsa.org
Program Sponsor: Lunch Sponsor:
At various times during the spring of each year, members of the Emeritus Committee schedule regional luncheons across the state for retirees to reconnect with former colleagues. If you currently live or worked in any region that is hosting an event, you are encouraged to RSVP and join us for a relaxed afternoon of food and fellowship.
Upcoming Event:
Thursday, May 1, 2025 - West Central Emeritus members met at Heroes Restaurant & Pub, 107 W Pine St, Warrensburg, MO 64093, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Contact Bill Ray for more information at 816-591-1985 or ray.william@comcast.net
Photos from previous luncheon in 2024 - West Central Emeritus members
Cost: $60 per workshop
(In-person participation includes lunch)
(There is no charge to participate via live stream if your school district has a MASA Video Library Subscription for the 2024 - 2025 school year, but we still need you to complete the registration form, so we know when you plan to participate.)
Workshop #1 - "Setting the Tax Rate" - This event has past.
Presenters: Jason Hoffman, CFO, Jefferson City (retired) and Jim Cummins, Superintendent, Neosho (retired)
Date: July 30, 2024
Location - Lodge of Four Seasons, Lake Ozark or live stream
Time: 11:00 am. (immediately following the DESE Conference)
Description: This workshop will focus on the process of setting the tax rate for a school district. Presenters will walk participants through the process of completing the State Auditor forms, as well as discuss how to plan, advertise, and conduct a tax rate hearing. Sample documents will be provided to all participants.
Workshop #2 - "Evaluating the Budget" - This event has past.
Dates: November 5, 2024 or November 6, 2024
Location - MCSA Education Center, Jefferson City, or live stream
Time: 11:30 am. (lunch) Workshop begins at 12:00 pm.
Description: This workshop will assist school administrators in identifying areas of budget concern and will provide an opportunity for general discussion about budgeting and other school finance topics. The session will also include a discussion of current and future formula funding issues as well as advice on how to identify potential problems in a district budget.
Workshop #3 - "FY26 Budget Development" - Login to the MASA membership portal and register here!
Dates: February 10, 2025, or February 11, 2025
Location - MCSA Education Center, Jefferson City, or live stream
Time: 11:30 am. (lunch) Workshop begins at 12:00 pm.
Description: This workshop will assist school administrators as they begin the process of developing a budget for 2025-2026. The focus of the session will be on identifying key areas of concern, estimating revenues and expenses, and a general discussion of budgeting basics. The Governor’s budget recommendations for education will be reviewed.
Workshops are sponsored by the following business partners.
Find Previous MASA Awards Recipients Here!
The Missouri Superintendent of the Year is selected by the MASA Awards Committee in the fall of each school year. Consideration for this award involves a separate application process and is not related to any other awards that are recognized by MASA or the eight MASA Regions during the school year.
Superintendent of the Year
Information and Application
Nomination forms and the application process for the 2025 Superintendent of the Year Program is now closed.
This Superintendent of the Year program is open to all U.S. public school superintendents who plan to continue in the profession.
The National Superintendent of the Year Program is truly representative of education's outstanding leaders from all parts of the country and abroad. Past recipients have come from diverse backgrounds - men and women representing small- to large-sized districts in rural, suburban and urban communities.
Selection process:
Link coming on July 7, 2025, for the Superintendent of the Year Application and Nomination Forms.
The following MASA Awards are presented annually at the MASA Spring Conference.
The voting members of each of the eight MASA Regions select a recipient or nominee for each of the following recognitions and then submit those individuals names to the MASA Awards Committee for recognition.
You can find contact information for the MASA Awards Committee representatives here.
Pearce Award
The Pearce Award is presented each year to an outstanding Missouri Superintendent of Schools. The recipient receives a $500 cash award and a $500 scholarship to a student in the recipients' school district. Each MASA Region selects a nominee for the award. The recipient must be a practicing superintendent of a public school in Missouri and meet additional criteria. (Pearce Award Criteria). To make a recommendation for this award, contact your regional Awards Committee Representative.
Outstanding Emeritus Awards
MASA recognizes a retired administrator from each MASA region during the Awards Program. Individuals chosen for this award are selected based upon their length of service, their participation in MASA while an active member and continued interest in public education since retiring. (Outstanding Emeritus Criteria) To make a recommendation for this award, contact your regional Awards Committee Representative.
Honorary Life Member
Individuals who are a member of MASA at the time of their retirement are presented with an Honorary Life Membership in MASA. (Honorary Life Member form)
Twenty-five Year Service Awards
Annually, MASA recognizes those superintendents in Missouri who have achieved 25 years of service in administration in the public schools. This service may include the principalship and administrative service in other states. Award winners must currently be a member of MASA. (Twenty-Five Year Service Award)
Emerging Superintendent Award
Each year, MASA presents an award to an outstanding Emerging Missouri Superintendent of Schools from each MASA region. The award is in recognition of outstanding performance in the demonstration of those skills that reflect the best in educational leadership. Nominees must be a practicing superintendent in their second or third year of employment as a superintendent; have never served as a superintendent of schools in another state; made a measurable contribution to the school district they serve as a Superintendent of Schools as verified by one or more practicing Superintendents from their MASA region; and be a member of MASA at the time of nomination. To make a recommendation for this award, contact your regional Awards Committee Representative.
Assistant Superintendent Award
Each year, beginning in 2025, MASA an award to an outstanding Assistant Superintendent of Schools or an individual in a similar central office administrator position from each MASA Region in recognition of outstanding performances in the demonstration of those skills that reflect the best in educational leadership. When evaluating individuals for this award, consideration should be given to the nominee’s involvement in MASA’s Region and State meetings, committees, workshops, and conferences. Additionally, their contributions to the school district they serve, as well as their length of service in their current role, other administrative positions, and the PK–12 education profession, should be taken into account. To make a recommendation for this award, contact your regional Awards Committee Representative.
Friends of Education Award
This award will annually recognize eight non-educators, one from each MASA Region for their contribution to education locally or statewide. Each of the MASA regions shall select a recipient of this award annually. The recipient must currently be a non-educator although they could have been an educator in the past. To make a recommendation for this award, contact your regional Awards Committee Representative.
Memorial Recognition
Annually, MASA recognizes former members who have passed away during the preceding year. We need your help in being aware of all those needing to be memorialized. Please take a moment and complete the form below if you know someone that we should include in our memorial list. (Memorial Recognition form)
If you have any questions about the awards, please contact your regional Awards Committee Representative or the MASA Office.
Click on the following links to access samples of Jason Hoffman's spreadsheets that were shared during the recent MASA / MoASBO Finance Workshops.. You can download any of these sheets and make modifications that are appropriate for your district. However, please remember that formulas are not locked so be careful as you make changes to cells that have formulas.
Sample - Hoffman's Cohort Survival Template for estimating WADA (downloadable).
Sample - Hoffman's Expense Evaluation Spreadsheet (downloadable).
Sample - Hoffman's Long Range Projections Spreadsheet (downloadable).
Sample - Hoffman's Preliminary Budget Change Spreadsheet (downloadable).
Sample - Tax Rate Hearing Calculator 2024 (downloadable spreadsheet).